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Collagen is a special type of protein structure manufactured by your body to be incorporated into certain types of connective tissues as well as your skin. As you grow older, your body gradually decreases collagen production, which can have a significant impact on the health and elasticity of your skin.

As the years go by, you may notice certain areas of your body starting to sag as once youthful, firm skin gives way to the caprices of gravity and skin aging. Certain individuals who lose a significant amount of weight in a relatively short amount of time may also experience stretch marks and loose skin in certain areas.

One particularly troublesome spot for many people is the underside of the upper arm and the skin surrounding the triceps area. For some people, the amount of loose skin can be embarrassing when they wave to someone or reach out to touch someone.

At our clinic, we are proud to offer both non-invasive and surgical options to help address skin health, skin aging and other cosmetic issues. Our doctor will start with a basic exam and consultation to accurately understand the issues you would like addressed as well as the general condition of the skin in the area.

To address a significant amount of loose skin on the underarm, we might recommend an arm lift. Also known as brachioplasty, the procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis to address sagging skin on each arm.

The incision strategy our doctor uses will either follow the inside or the back of your arm. Once this is done a modest amount of excess skin will be excised. Sometimes a minimal incision will be made by the armpit to also tighten that area and bring the arm into balance with the rest of your frame.

If you also have stubborn fatty deposits in the skin, we might recommend including a liposuction treatment to help further sculpt the area and improve the final tone.

After suturing the skin, our doctor will provide you with any necessary recovery instructions. These might include changing bandages, maintaining sutures and taking any prescription medications as directed.

A week or two after the arm lift you may need to return to our clinic so our doctor can monitor your progress or remove any remaining sutures.

If you are unhappy with the loose and sagging skin under your arms, we invite you to contact our team for a consultation to see if you are a good candidate for an arm lift.