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The American Society of Plastic Surgeons estimates that 300,000 breast augmentation procedures are performed every year. The size of the breast implants can vary from one individual to the next. Different fluids such as saline and silicone are often used to fill breast implant membranes that can vary in shape as well as texture.

While all cosmetic surgeons strive to provide their patients with the highest level of care, there are still rare instances when a complication can develop with one or more breast implants.

Capsular contracture is a condition where scar tissue starts to develop on the breast implant membrane. Over time, these tissues can envelop the breast implant and constrict, causing it to become misshapen and potentially develop an unnaturally hard-to-the-touch feeling.

In a similar situation, some individuals will develop calcification in the tissues surrounding one or both breast implants. As time goes on, these calcium deposits can lead to gradual discomfort and an unnatural hardening of tissues surrounding the implant.

Issues with infection and breast implants that leak can also pose very serious complications. Even though saline fluid might be safely absorbed by your body, the remaining implant membrane can lead to inflammation and other problems.

It’s also worth noting that a positive breast cancer diagnosis might also lead to issues with your breast implants. In many of these cases, breast implant removal may be the most applicable treatment strategy to prevent worsening complications.

The outpatient surgery needed to remove one or both breast implants requires preparation and recovery measures similar to the original breast augmentation procedure.

Once the breast implants have been removed, there are a few options to consider. If there are no other medical complications associated with the need for removal, our doctor might be able to perform a breast lift.

A breast lift can often be done in the same session. It involves a careful incision strategy to remove excess skin from your breasts. Once the incisions have been closed, your skin and remaining natural breast tissue will be firmer and take on a generally higher profile. If you desire, the breast lift can also be an ideal opportunity to adjust the size and location of each areola.

In a case where there are further medical complications, such as breast cancer or necrosis in the breast tissues, our doctor might refer you to a specialist for further treatment. After any present medical conditions have been addressed, we can help you understand your options for cosmetically restoring your breasts.

If you have been experiencing discomfort or other complications with your breast implants, we invite you to contact our team to schedule an appointment at our clinic.