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Concerning your oral health and well-being, certain matters can prove more involved than others. A notable example is managing impacted maxillary and mandibular canines, a condition wherein the canine teeth struggle to erupt correctly, often necessitating oral surgery to allow them to come through. So why does the impaction of the canines happen?

How Canines Become Impacted:

Impacted canines arise when the normal eruption of teeth is hindered by factors like overcrowding, irregular growth patterns or obstruction by neighboring teeth. While any tooth can become impacted, canine teeth are particularly prone to this condition due to their position in your mouth and their crucial role in effective biting and chewing.

What Happens When Impacted Canines Go Untreated:

One of the primary reasons impacted canines require attention is the potential for complications. If left untreated, impacted canines can lead to issues such as misalignment of adjacent teeth, cyst formation, gum infections and even damage to nearby structures like the roots of neighboring teeth.

Comprehensive Oral Surgery Evaluation:

Fortunately, oral surgery offers effective solutions for correcting impacted canines. The process typically begins with a comprehensive evaluation by a dental professional, including X-rays and scans to assess the precise positioning of your impacted tooth and its surrounding structures. Using this evaluation, a tailored treatment strategy is formulated to meet your individual requirements.

Surgical Exposure and Bonding:

One common approach to treating impacted canines is through a surgical procedure known as exposure and bonding. This innovative technique involves uncovering your impacted tooth by raising the gum tissue and, if necessary, removing any obstructing bone or tissue. Once exposed, the tooth is then guided into its correct position using orthodontic appliances such as braces or aligners, which help facilitate its proper eruption into your dental arch.

Extraction and Orthodontics:

In cases where the impacted canine is severely positioned or inaccessible, a more extensive surgical intervention may be required. This could involve extraction of your impacted tooth followed by orthodontic treatment to close the gap or, in some instances, transplantation of the tooth into its proper position.

Although oral surgery for impacted canines may appear intimidating, recent advancements in surgical technology and techniques have significantly improved the process, making it more efficient and comfortable than ever before. Rest assured, with proper pre-operative planning, skilled surgical execution and post-operative care, you can expect a favorable outcome and restored oral health.

Post-Operative Healing:

Recovery from oral surgery for impacted canines typically involves a period of rest and careful oral hygiene practices to promote healing and prevent complications. You may experience some discomfort and swelling initially, but this can be managed with a combination of pain medication and cold compresses. Please note that it’s important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by our surgical team to ensure a smooth and optimal recovery.

Schedule a Consultation

As you can see, oral surgery for impacted maxillary and mandibular canines plays a crucial role in addressing this dental issue and restoring your smile’s oral function and aesthetics. By understanding the process and the importance of timely intervention, you can take proactive steps toward preserving your oral health and overall well-being. If you are currently dealing with impacted canines, please don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with our surgeon for personalized guidance and treatment available to you.