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It’s not uncommon for women who have large breasts to have painful physical symptoms stemming from the extra weight their breasts exert on their bodies. With the help of a plastic surgeon, breast reduction surgery, or reduction mammoplasty, lessens the size of breasts by removing extra fat, tissue, and skin in an outpatient procedure.

Breast Reduction Surgery

Women with large breasts often experience physical problems:

  • Chronic headaches
  • Poor posture
  • Herniated discs
  • Physical restrictions
  • Pain in the neck, back, shoulder and nerves
  • Persistent rash or skin irritation below the breasts
  • Low self-esteem because of the size of their breasts
  • Problems wearing bras and clothing

It can be especially pertinent if you require pain medication to get through the day because of your physical symptoms. Having a breast size reduction can effectively help you feel better in your body, both physically and emotionally. The surgery will trim, lift, and shape your breasts to a more comfortable, healthy size for you. While incision lines will be permanent, they typically fade and look better with time. As the area heals, you will feel much more satisfied with your new appearance.

Breast reduction surgery is best after you have had children or after meeting any broader weight loss goals you might have. Breastfeeding can be more difficult after this surgery, and losing weight usually shrinks the breasts.

Breast Augmentation Surgery

Some women are unhappy with their breast size because they feel too small for their liking. If this is the case for you, a breast augmentation procedure can enhance your breast volume, so you feel better about your body.

Women seek this surgery when they want a more harmonious balance to their bodies. If your breasts have diminished after pregnancy or weight loss, or you want to improve the symmetry of your breasts, a breast augmentation may be right for you.

Women with small breasts often want to change the following:

  • Plump up small breasts
  • Return breasts to their pre-pregnancy or pre-weight loss size
  • Restore breast symmetry and make them look even
  • Restore breasts after having some other form of breast surgery
  • Increase self-confidence and self-esteem

If you are in good health and are unhappy with your current breast size and shape, you are likely a candidate for this surgery. We may use your fat or a breast implant. When it comes to patient satisfaction, breast augmentation ranks highest in cosmetic surgery procedures. It can bolster self-esteem and even reduce depression. If you have small, uneven, or oddly-shaped breasts, breast augmentation can transform your image to make you feel good about your appearance.

Breast augmentation enhances breast size and resolves these conditions:

  • Small breasts
  • Uneven breasts
  • Oddly shaped breasts
  • Lost upper breast volume

If your breasts are severely drooping, you may require a breast lift along with breast augmentation for optimal results. Over time, your breasts can also change if you gain or lose weight.

If you are currently unhappy with the size and shape of your breasts and want to change that, we welcome you to give our team a call to schedule a consultation. Making one of these changes to your body can have you feeling better about yourself than ever before!