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Did you know that endodontists perform an average of 25 root canal treatments in a week, while your general dentist typically does two? Your dentist places dental fillings and cleans your pearly whites, while endodontists focus on diagnosing and treating any persistent problems and pain you are experiencing in your teeth.

In fact, endodontists are often referred to as root canal dentists, the difference being that your dentist performs root canals occasionally while endodontists do it all the time. This means seeing our endodontist ensures you are being treated by an expert in root canal treatments!

Differences Between a Dentist and an Endodontist

Fact: Although all endodontists are technically dentists, fewer than three percent of dentists become endodontists!

The key difference is education and training; our endodontist successfully completed the extra required years after post-dental school. Our studies centered on diagnosing painful teeth, root canal treatment and other treatments to save the inside of a tooth and its pulp. The goal is to save a damaged tooth whenever possible, as no replacement option is as good as the original teeth (for the most part).

  • Advanced education: Endodontists become specialists by getting the extra two to three years of additional education in an advanced specialty program.
  • Specialized expertise: While dentists learn a variety of treatments to help their patients, our endodontist focuses only on effectively treating the vital dental pulp and is uniquely qualified to pinpoint the exact cause of your oral and facial pain.
  • Pain management experts: We have all the tools and techniques necessary to ensure you feel comfortable and relaxed throughout your time in the chair. Whether it’s numbing agents or sedation options, our goal is to help your experience be as pain-free as possible.
  • Well-versed in state-of-the-art technologies: We use the latest equipment and materials to give you the treatment you need for the most successful outcome. Digital radiographs, 3-D imaging, and dental operating microscopes enable us to take detailed images of your problem tooth by showing us in detail the tiny root canals (along with any infection) and then streamlining procedures to provide optimal results.

To ensure your best smile, you’ll want to see your dentist for regular cleanings, exams, and dental restorations. But if you have one or more teeth at risk from infection or severe tooth decay in the pulp or root of your tooth you’ll want to enlist the help of our skilled endodontist to ensure the most effective outcome.

Going to an Endodontist Directly

Should you find yourself sustaining an injury with a cracked or knocked-out tooth, you might want to consider reaching out to our endodontist directly. This can save you time (which is ideal when you’re experiencing a lot of pain) or already understand what’s happening with your tooth. The sooner you have a treatment plan in place the sooner your tooth can be saved and your pain levels addressed.

Another reason you can go directly to your endodontist is if your dentist has referred you previously after viewing something abnormal on a dental X-ray. For example, showing a problem with an existing root canal or a suspicious shadow that might be a dead nerve. Another reason you can come see us right away is if we have treated a tooth in the past and are monitoring it or if it requires retreatment. Our diagnostic testing, imaging, and diagnosis of a nerve in a tooth are thorough, so using our skills helps relieve complex pain issues as we literally get to the “root” of the problem.

Don’t Delay, Call Today!

If you are experiencing problems with your teeth, we welcome you to give us a call to see if you should go to your dentist or schedule for a consultation with our endodontist directly. We are happy to speak with you about your tooth or dental issue and help you have a positive experience and outcome!